How Many Paintballs Do I Need For 2 Hours?

A single session of a paintball game is composed of almost two hours. In that session, you have to keep sufficient stock of paintballs to keep you going. But how many paintballs do I need for 2 hours of game time is the real question.

However, there is no simple answer to this question because you can never know the exact amount of paintballs you might need. Of course, there is an average calculated to estimate the number of paintballs an average player uses in a single session of paintball but that is just it, an estimate.

You see, every paintballer has his own playing technique. You can need more or fewer paintballs depending on your playing style. Some like to have a fun relaxing time on the field, some like to play aggressively, and some implement techniques and strategies into their game.

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All these people will need a different number of paintballs because of their varying shooting speeds. If you want to know more about it, then keep on reading the following article!

How Many Paintballs Do I Need For 2 Hours

Paintballs You Need For 2 Hours

People Who Just Play For The Sake Of Fun

There are some people who don’t take this game very seriously. They just aim to have a good time and play with ease. So, they don’t consume too many paintballs. They play slowly and only shoot when necessary. Such players only need about a hundred to a hundred and fifty paintballs.

People Who Play Aggressively

Then come the players who take this game very seriously and play as if their life depends on it. These people shoot a lot of paintballs in aggression. They don’t care much about taking the aim first, they will just see a moving person and start shooting nonstop. Such people need around two hundred to five hundred paintballs in a two-hour gaming session.

People Who Play With Tact

These are the average kind of people who prefer to create a gaming strategy and take their time to aim before they shoot a paintball. These are not too slow or too aggressive. I like to call them the cold players. They aim to shoot and shoot to kill. Such people need about two hundred paintballs an hour.

Final Thoughts

So, that was about it. You need to evaluate your gaming style and then get the number of paintballs you might need. However, all the figures mentioned above are just estimates and you may need more or fewer paintballs depending on your own shooting speed. Hence, I would recommend you closely observe your own game and create your own estimate.

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