What Is Ramping In Paintball? | 2023 Updated
Ramping in paintball and how could I use it in my favor? You might have heard about ramping often on the paintball field and couldn’t quite figure out what it meant. But don’t worry because in this article I will tell you exactly what ramping is and how you can use it against your opponent on the paintball field especially when the going gets tough. It is a worthy trick that you must keep up your sleeve at all times just in case an opponent wants a piece of you.
However, before we begin I would like to tell you that ramping in paintball is not always a good idea and is mostly used by rookies who don’t know any better. It shows your desperation to win and your lack of proper strategy to achieve a win on a level playing field. But, it is worth knowing about just in case an opponent decides to go ramping on you. In any case, if you want to know more about it then keep on reading this article.
What Is Ramping Mode In Paintball?
For those of you who don’t already know what ramping is or feel confused about its working then you must start to pay very close attention to what I am about to tell you. In simple words, ramping in paintball is basically a firing mode that allows you to have a higher fire rate than the number of trigger pulls. In other words, your gun will shoot more pellets than the times you pull the trigger. So, in a sense, it enables your gun to fire automatic shots. It is less taxing on your hands and puts you on a pedestal in the face of your opponents.
If you still feel confused then allow me to explain it through a few examples. Let’s start with a paintball gun that does not have its ramping mode activated. It will only shoot when you pull the trigger and only shoot as many shots as the times you pull the trigger physically. However, on the other hand, if you activate the ramping mode on your paintball gun, you will be able to shoot a maximum of 15 balls through a single trigger pull per second. So, I hope you see the difference between the gun that has the ramping mode activated and the one that does not.
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However, there is one thing that you must remember and that is when and how this automatic firing will stop. Don’t worry it does not continue forever and does not get out of control unless you are too clumsy with your aim. It will stop when you stop pulling the trigger or when you run out of pellets. This will allow you to reload your gun with more pellets and start again. The one thing that I personally love about ramping is that it is activated by a code that only the user knows. It means that nobody would be able to activate the ramping mode on your gun without your consent.
What Is Ramping Firing Mode In Paintball?
Paintball is all about making the first move and bunkering the opponent. Things tend to get messy in this game so the more paintballs you can shoot at your opponent the merrier. I mean it’s not easy to keep your enemy behind the bunker while you move forward, you need to be able to shoot more shots at your opponent otherwise you will end up being bunkered yourself. And that is where ramping comes in handy in paintball. However, I must also warn you that this is not always the most ethical way of playing paintball. You will be bludgeoning the players into elimination.
But if you are having a huge tournament and your players are starting to lose their touch and there is no way that you could possibly win the game on a level playing field, only then you should consider going for ramping. It is effective but not fair. Your first priority should be to play with all your might and try to win on a fair basis rather than pushing your opponents against the wall.
Is Ramping Legal In Paintball?
Yes, ramping is legal in paintball but it is frowned upon. It is more of a cowardly approach in which you overwhelm your opponents with your fire rate. However, there is a specific prescribed limit for the ramping in paintball i.e., fifteen balls per second. If your ramping exceeds this set limit, it will be considered a foul and might cost you your game. So, my recommendation would be to avoid using ramping unless you have no other choice.
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Final Thoughts
So, this was all from my side. I hope you all could benefit from all this information. I tried to explain things in the easiest way I could. Of course, there are a lot of other things related to ramping in paintball but you will figure all that out eventually. My focus was to explain the basis and I think I did a good job of that. My final word of advice would be to avoid using the ramping mode as much as possible unless the opponent is using it on you or you are losing hopelessly. Any other reason would simply not suffice in my opinion.
Frequently Asked Question
What is ramp P and ramp M?
You will be able to stop shooting in a ramped state with PSP Ramping, quickly re-align your gun, and then start shooting again in a ramped state. You will be compelled to return to that ramped state by Millennium.
How fast does a paintball move mph?
The average paintball has a velocity of about 190 mph.
What is ramp pressure?
It enables the machine to begin at a lower pressure and gradually increase it over a pre-determined time. Lower pressure at the ramp’s beginning may make it easier to fall asleep.